Paintings (landscapes)

AL-22 (#AL22)

размер: 90 x 106 см
Имеется Сертификат
Испанская (нарисована маслом на холсте)

Имеется документ который подверждает подлинность авторской работы.

Декор для вашего дома и офиса, а также необычные подарки для друзей и близких ручной работы из Италии.

Доставка по городу Ташкент (Бесплатно)

Picture 4242 (#4242)

Vendor code: 4242 (# 4242)
Size: 86 x 76 cm

American (painted in oil on canvas)

There is a document that confirms the authenticity of the author's work.

Decor for your home and office, as well as unusual gifts for friends and family handmade from Italy.

Delivery in the city of Tashkent (Free)

Picture AL-76 (# AL76)

Item: AL-76 (# AL76)
Size: 86 x 77 cm
There is a Certificate

Spanish (painted in oil on canvas)

There is a document that confirms the authenticity of the author's work.

Decor for your home and office, as well as unusual gifts for friends and family handmade from Italy.

Delivery in the city of Tashkent (Free)

Picture AL-91 (# AL91)

Item: AL-91 (# AL91)
Size: 86 x 77 cm
There is a Certificate

Spanish (painted in oil on canvas)

There is a document that confirms the authenticity of the author's work.

Decor for your home and office, as well as unusual gifts for friends and family handmade from Italy.

Delivery in the city of Tashkent (Free)

Picture AL-100

AL-100 (# AL100)
size: 100 x 92 cm
There is a Certificate

Spanish (painted in oil on canvas)

There is a document that confirms the authenticity of the author's work.

Decor for your home and office, as well as unusual gifts for friends and family handmade from Italy.

Delivery in the city of Tashkent (Free)

Picture AL-2954 (# AL2954)

AL-2954 (# AL2954)
size: 85 x 55 cm
There is a Certificate

Spanish (painted in oil on canvas)

There is a document that confirms the authenticity of the author's work.

Decor for your home and office, as well as unusual gifts for friends and family handmade from Italy.

Delivery in the city of Tashkent (Free)